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McNab's SuperGuard Immune Tablets with Vit A,B,C,D, E , Zinc, Copper, selenium, Sutherlandia and garlic 5g sachet 36’s

McNab's SuperGuard Immune Tablets with Vit A,B,C,D, E , Zinc, Copper, selenium, Sutherlandia and garlic 5g sachet 36’s

Regular price N$790.00 NAD
Regular price Sale price N$790.00 NAD
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A triple strength advanced immune defence supplement with a powerful blend of carefully selected Vitamins, Minerals & Herbs for optimum health.

What Makes SuperGuard Tabs So Good For You?

Our SuperGuard Tabs come in a convenient single-dose sachet of 6 tablets providing a carefully formulated dose of the vitamins, minerals and herbs required to optimise immune function and keep infections at bay.
Active provides the vitamins and minerals that have been identified as critical to the effective functioning of the immune system. These are complemented by two well-known immune-boosting and anti-microbial herbs, Sutherlandia and Garlic, for additional protection.

300mg Vitamin C
500mg Sutherlandia
150mg Garlic

Six Tablets Contain:

 Vitamins A, B, C, D and E – these vitamins are essential for immune function and support the body in fighting off harmful micro-organisms including viruses, bacteria and fungi.
 Zinc, copper and selenium – these minerals are essential for optimal immune function and particularly for helping to combat common viral infections such as colds and flu.
 Sutherlandia – a uniquely African herb, has been used for centuries to help combat respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital infections as well as for stress reduction.
 Garlic -Garlic is used the world over as a natural but powerful anti-microbial agent and immune booster, and has proven effectiveness against colds and flu, and fungal infections.

When Can I Take SuperGuard Tabs?

This formulation should be taken during the early stages of colds and flu, during periods of intense stress, or on a daily basis to strengthen the immune system for year-round protection.

What Weakens The Immune System?

Emotional stress, poor diets, lack of exercise, relaxation and sleep, substance abuse, smoking, and certain diseases and medications all contribute to a weakened immune system. When your immune system is compromised it is easy to pick up bugs from infected people, especially in confined spaces like offices, trains, buses and aeroplanes.

You can help to protect yourself by addressing these factors, particularly by eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, minimising your intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar, sleeping at least seven hours a night, exercising at least three times a week, and making time to have fun. Playing is as important to adults as it is to children and is one of the best ways to address stress and bring joy back into your life.

You can also take an appropriate immune-boosting supplement, like SuperGuard, to make sure nutritional deficiencies aren’t compromising your defences against disease.

Who Is SuperGuard Tabs Suitable For?

SuperGuard Tabs is safe for adults, older children, diabetics, people on long-term medication and athletes. SuperGuard  is free from artificial preservatives, colourants, flavourants and sweeteners, as well as common food allergens including wheat, gluten, corn, soya, dairy and sugar.

When and how do I use SuperGuard?

Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed best on an empty stomach. That means taking them first thing in the morning, 30 minutes prior to eating, or two hours after a meal.

Directions: We recommend you take all 6 tablets in the sachet for a super boost for your immune system. Thereafter take 2 tablets a day.

What’s in the box?
36 SuperGuard sachets

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